13. 合营各方缴付出资额后,应当由中国的注册会计师验证,出具验资报告后,由合营企业据以发给出资证明书。出资证明书载明下列事项:合营企业名称;合营企业成立的年、月、日;合营者名称(或者姓名)及其出资额、出资的年、月、日;发给出资证明书的年、月、日。 13. After the parties have made their capital contributions to the joint venture, such contributions shall be verified by a certified public accountant registered in China. Upon the issuance of the capital verification report by the said accountant, the joint venture shall issue a capital contribution certificate to each party, which shall contain the following particulars: the name of the joint venture, the date, month and year of the establishment of the joint venture, the names of the parties and their capital contribution, the date, month and year on which their capital contribution is made, and the date, month and year of the issuance of the capital contribution certificate.
2.2.1 合同条款
1. 合营公司的投资总额为一千五百万美元,注册资本为一千万美元。 1. The total amount of investment of the JV Company is fifteen million (15,000,000) US Dollars, and the registered capital of the JV Company is ten million (10,000,000) US dollars. 2. 甲方向合营公司出资相当于八百万美元的人民币现金,占合营公司注册资本的80%。乙方向合营公司出资相当于二百万美元的人民币现金,占合营公司注册资本的20%,但乙方必须提供其人民币合法来源的证明。
2. Party A shall contribute the Reminbi (“RMB”) equivalent of eight million (8,000,000) US Dollars in cash to the JV Company, accounting for 80% of the registered capital of the JV Company. Party shall contribute the RMB equivalent of two million (2,000,000) US Dollars in cash to the JV Company, accounting for 20% of the registered capital of the JV Company, provided, however, that Party B will provide evidence proving the lawful source of its RMB contribution.
3. 乙方应在合营公司获得营业执照后90天内,向合营公司注册资本缴纳其100%的出资额(即二百万美元等值的人民币)。甲方应(i)在合营公司获得营业执照后的90天内,向合营公司注册资本缴纳其25%的出资额(即二百万美元等值的人民币);(ii)在2002年5月底前向合营公司注册资本缴纳其25%的出资额(即二百万美元等值的人民币);(iii)在合营公司获得营业执照后三年内,向合营公司注册资本缴纳其50%的出资额(即四百万美元等值的人民币)。 3. Party B shall contribute 1000% of its share of the registered capital of the JV Company (i.e. the RMB equivalent of US $ 2,000,000) within ninety (90) days afthe JV Company obtains its business license. Party A shall contribute (i) 25% of its share of the registered capital of the JV Company (i.e. the RMB equivalent of US $ 2,000,000) within ninety (90) days after the JV Company obtains its business license; (ii) 25% of its share of the registered capital of the JV Company (i.e. the RMB equivalent of US $ 2,000,000) by the end of May, 2002; (iii) 50% of its share of the registered capital of the JV Company (i.e. the RMB equivalent of US $ 4,000,000) within three years after the JV Company obtains its business license.
4. 如果任何一方未能按照以上第三条要求出资,应按《中外合资经营企业合营各方出资的若干规定》第六条和第七条处理。此外,自第三条规定的出资日起至实际出资日期间,该方应为每笔迟付款项向合营公司支付累积的利息,利率相当于伦敦银行同业拆放美元月息加百分之一。 4. If either party fails to make its contribution to the registered capital as required by Article 3 above, such failure shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 6 and 7 of the Several Provisions Concerning Capital Contributions by Parties to the Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Venture Enterprises. In addition, interest shall accrue and shall be payable by such party to JV Company on the value of each late contribution from its scheduled contribution date specified in Article 3 till the date when such contribution is actually made. The rate of interest shall be equal to one percent over the monthly London interbank offered rate for US Dollars.
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