99%老外都拼错的20个单词 你敢来挑战?

十二月 9, 2016 | posted in: Company Blog | by

A fiendishly tricky new quiz is asking users to determine the correct spelling of commonly misspelled words.


The test from Playbuzz asks users to choose the right answer from two options with the wordsshowcasing just the slightest of differences in the spelling.


According to the quiz’s creator only around seven percent of participants will be able to achieve full marks on the test.


Before it was shared with the Internet the test was given to 92 Americans and only six were able to pass it with flying colours.


The quiz includes some of the most misspelled words in the English language according to Oxford English Corpus.



牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?


牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?


牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?


牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?


牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?

牛津语料库:99%老外都拼错的单词 你敢来挑战?


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About the Author
Keywords: shanghai translation company China Translation company 上海翻译公司 übersetzungsagentur Shanghai Societe de la traduction de Shanghai Empresa de traducciones Shanghai Chinese translation Company Chinese translation Company Empresa de traducciones Shanghai shanghai translation Chinese translation Company Chinese translation Company shanghai translation companyshanghai translation company Chinese translation Company Chinese translation Company shanghai translation company