181.Life I envisioned/pictured for us:我所预想的生活
182. be meant for each other:天生的一对
183.have a yen for me:对我蠢蠢欲动
184.thoughts started taking precedence over feeling:理性战胜利感性
185.as the last days expired:随着剩下几天慢慢消逝
186.keep options open:保持自由身(Leonard描述他和penny的交往)
187.hook up with sb:与某人交往
188.Are you high:你喝高了么?
189.hold out for rediculous fatasy:坚持无聊的幻想
190.I do not judge a book by its cover,I’am interested in the person underneath:我不会以貌取人
191.masturbatory fantasies:YY
192.fiddle with oneself:摆弄自己
193.sink to his level:降低到他的水平
194.the more,the merrier:人越多,越好
195.play innocent with:装清纯
196.put it on vibrant:调成振动
197.take some sense into you:调教调教你
198.remarkable and high-achieving:有卓越成就的(Sheldon讽刺Penny没学问时)
199.at length:详细的
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