8. 作为外国合营者出资的机器设备或其他物料,应当是合营企业生产所必需的。前款所指的机器设备或者其他物料的作价,不得高于同类机器设备或者其他物料当时的国际市场价格。 8. The machinery, equipment or other materials contributed by the foreign party shall be those that are indispensable for the production of the joint venture. The valuation of the machinery, equipment or other materials mentioned in the proceeding paragraph may not be higher than the current international market price of machinery, equipment or other materials of the same kind.
9. 作为外国合营者出资的工业产权或者专有技术,必须符合下列条件之一: (1)能显著改进现有产品的性能、质量,提高生产效率的; (2)能显著节约原材料、燃料、动力的。 9. The industrial property or proprietary technology contributed by the foreign party shall meet one of the following conditions: (1) It is capable of notably improving the performance and quality of existing products and raising productivity; or (2) It is capable of notably economizing on raw materials, fuel or power.
10. 外国合营者以工业产权或者专业技术作为出资,应当提交该工业产权或者专有技术的有关资料,包括专利证书或者商标注册证书的复制件、有效状况及其技术特性、实用价值、作价的计算根据、与中国合营者签订的作价协议等有关文件,作为合营合同的附件。 10. A foreign party who contributes industrial property or proprietary technology shall deliver documentation relating to, including photocopies of the letters patent or trademark registration certificates, statements of validity, technical features and practical value thereof, the basis for calculating the price, and the agreement signed with the Chinese partner on the value thereof, as annexes attached to the joint venture contract.
11. 外国合营者作为出资的机器设备或其他物料、工业产权或者专有技术,应当报审批机构批准。 11. The machinery, equipment or other materials, industrial property or proprietary technology contributed by the foreign parties shall be submitted to the examination and approval authority for approval.
12. 合营各方应当按照合同规定的期限缴清各自的出资额。逾期未缴或未缴清的,应当按合同规定支付迟延利息或者赔偿损失。 12. Each party to a joint venture shall make its capital contribution in full and within the time limited prescribed in the contract. If a party delays in making its contribution or fails to make its contribution in full, it shall pay interest on such default or compensate for any losses pursuant to the provisions of the contract.
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