121. bill-paying services 代付帐款
122. black market 黑市
123. black market financing 黑市筹资
124. black money 黑钱
125. blanket mortgage 总括抵押
126. block positioner 大宗头寸商
127. blowout 畅销
128. blue-chip stocks 蓝筹股
129. board of arbitration 仲裁委员会
130. board of governors 理事会
131. bond fund 债券基金
132. borrowing from affiliates 向联营公司借款
133. borrowing power of securities 证券贷款能力
134. borrowing risks 借款风险
135. bought deal 包销
136. bread and butter business 基本业务
137. breadth index 宽度指数
138. break-even 不亏不盈,收支相抵
139. breakout 突破
140. bridging finance 过渡性融资
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