101. banker’s guarantee 银行担保
102. bank’s buying rate 银行买入价
103. bank’s selling rate 银行卖出价
104. banks with business dealing with the center中央银行的往来银行
105. Barclay card 巴克莱银行信用卡
106. base rate 基本汇价
107. basis order 基差订单
108. basis risk 基差风险
109. bear market 熊市
110. bear operation 卖空行为
111. bear raiders 大量抛空者
112. beneficial owner 受益所有人
113. beneficiary of insurance 保险金受益人
114. best-efforts offering 尽力推销(代销)发行
115. bid and ask prices 买入和卖出价
116. bid and ask spread 买卖差价
117. bid price = buying price 买价
118. bid-ask spread 递盘虚盘差价
119. big board 大行情牌
120. big slump 大衰退(暴跌)
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