21. account current (A/C,a/c) 往来帐户
22. account number (A/N) 帐号
23. account statement 帐户清单
24. accounting exposure 会计风险
25. accounting risks 会计风险
26. accounting value 帐面价值
27. accounts of assured 保险帐户
28. accrued bond interest 应计债券利息
29. accrued depreciation 应计折旧
30. accrued dividend 应计股利
31. acknowledgement of declaration (under op预约保险申报确认书
32. active securities 热头股票,活跃的证券
33. actual cash value (保险用语)实际现金价值
34. actual rate 实际汇率
35. adaptive expectations 适应性预期
36. additional insurance 加保,附加保险
37. additional reserve 追加准备金
38. adjustable policy 可调整的保险单
39. adjustable premium 可调整的保险费
40. adjusted debit balance 已调整的借方余额
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