An Industry Leader: For over a decade, our Legal Translation department has been a leader in providing patent and IP document translations. We provide services to patent law firms, government offices, and clients in the private sector. Our teams of legal and technical translators use our powerful project management system to coordinate with uncommon agility. They regularly harmonize their efforts on patent and IP translations related to research and development, and technological and scientific inventions.
Skilled Translators: Our legal and technical translators are among the best in the world. Many are lawyers, law professors, published scholars, and scientists. We choose them because they have special expertise in translating patents for corporate, legal, engineering, technology, chemical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology and bioscience industries and markets.
Confidentiality: All of our translators are bound by confidentiality contracts and corporate nondisclosure agreements. We treat all patents and IP documents as private and confidential and only authorized personnel have access to them.
The Correct Patent Format: We format translated patents in the correct patent format. We adjust to the guidelines of the local patent office to ensure that your patent application will be accepted without problems. We translate patent drawings and letter them again if required.
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