Unit 3 What is Waste Reduction/Waste Minimization? 什么是废物减量化,废物最少化
A great amount of time has been spent in the U.S. discussing the terminology of such words as source reduction, waste minimization, recycling and pollution prevention. EPA has provided the following definitions.
Source reduction: Any action that reduces the amount of waste exiting a process.
This includes, for example, process changes, feedstock changes, improved housekeeping/management, and in-process recycling.它包括,例如,过程调整,原料调整,提高管理和回收内在循环。
Waste minimization: The reduction to the extent feasible, of waste that is generated or subsequently treated, stored, or disposed of.
It includes any source reduction or recycling activity of waste or the reduction in the toxicity of waste (or both) as long as the reduction is consistent with the goal of minimization of present and future threats to human health and the environment.
Recycling : The use or reuse of a waste as a substitute for a commercial product or as a feedstock to an industrial process.
This includes the on-or off-site reclamation of useful fractions of a waste or the removal of contaminants from a waste to allow reuse.
Pollution prevention: Pollution may be generated during manufacturing, or when certain products are used commercially or by consumers.
This may be prevented in three ways: changing inputs/reducing reliance on toxic or hazardous raw materials; process changes /increasing efficiency/improved maintenance such as equipment modifications, better housekeeping, in-process closed-loop recycling; or changing outputs/reducing reliance on toxic or hazardous products.
With the passage of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act in 1984, the U.S. Congress established a national policy declaring the importance of reducing or eliminating the generation of hazardous waste.
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