第二周 Translation of double negative
Double negative denoting euphemism
I haven’t made any study of medicine for nothing.
The doctors have brought back his life, not without risk.
We cannot but regret to say that the patient is gone though we have tried every means.
Translation of the sentences of double negative denoting euphemism
1. 我并不是无缘无故地学医的。
2. 医生们挽救了他的生命,但并不是没有风险。
3. 我们不无遗憾地说,尽管我们尽了力,病人还是不行了。
Double negative denoting emphasis
It never rains but pours.
There is no man but errs.
There is no smoke without fire.
We would not have succeeded but for your in-time help.
Translation of the sentences of double negative denoting emphasis
Example of Chinese with double negative denoting emphasis
English translation of the Chinese example
No one who returned from the front failed to express admiration for Bethune whenever his name was mentioned, and none remained unmoved by his spirit. In the Shansi-Chahar-Hobei border area, no solider or civilian was unmoved who had been treated by Dr. Bethune or had seen how he worked. Occasion when double negative denoting emphasis not being done in the same way
1. Let me know without fail when anything unusual goes with the patient. 如果病人有些什么异常,一定要告诉我
2. I never past that city but think of my happy days there . 我每次路过那座城市都想起我在那度过的美好时光。
Semi-affirmative and semi-negative Exercises We cannot undertake the operation without the patient making adequate preparations physically and psychologically. The senior doctor never makes any diagnosis unless he has examined a patient carefullythoroughly.
Translation for reference
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