新的经济增长点 new growth areas in the economy
信息技术 information technology (IT)
造假帐 falsified accounts
招标投标制 the system of public bidding for projects
《证券法》 the Securities Law
政务公开 make government affairs public
自律机制 the self-restraining system
遵纪守法、廉洁奉公 observe the relevant code of conduct and the law and honestly perform one’s official duties
环保产业 environmentally conscious business
生态农业 environment(ally)-friendly agriculture
增值服务 value-added services
收、发货人 consignors and consignees
配送货物 distribute goods
提取货物 take delivery of goods
免税 tax exemption
退运手续 returning formalities
存储期限 storage time
分级分类、分拆分拣、分装、计量grading and classification, dismantling and sorting out, separate packing, measuring
保税物流园区 bonded logistic parks
一种海关特殊进出口物资保存监管区域园内物品不交关税 国际采购、分销和配送 international purchase, allocation and distribution
两岸三地 the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong
劳动合同制 labor contract system
劳动密集型 labor-intensive
价格波动 price fluctuation
尖端产品 highly sophisticated product
汇率 exchange rate
贩毒集团 drug cartel
防火墙 fire wall
防护林 shelter forest belt; shelter forest
福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system
欧洲一体化 European integration
欧洲危机 euro crisis
欧洲大陆 continental Europe
世界经济 world economy
权威人士 authoritative figures
欧洲中央银行 European Central Bank
行长 president
\独立主权国家 sovereign states
拖欠债务default on one’s debts
经济危机 financial meltdow
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