19、Race and education
Black marks
Mar 10th 2005 From The Economist print edition
It’s the natives, not the immigrants, that are the problem Alamy
WHITE people tend to be nervous of raising the subject of race and education, but are often voluble on the issue if a black person brings it up. So when Trevor Phillips, chairman of Britain’s Commission for Racial Equality, said that there was a particular problem with black boys’ performance at school, and that it might be a good idea to educate them apart from other pupils, there was a torrent of comment. Some of it commended his proposal, and some criticised it, but none of it questioned its premise. Everybody accepts that black boys are a problem.
On the face of it, it looks as though Mr Phillips is right. Only 27% of Afro-Caribbean boys get five A-C grades at GCSE, the exams taken by 16-year-olds, compared with 47% of boys as a whole and 44% of Afro-Caribbean girls. Since, in some subjects, candidates who score less than 50% get Cs, those who don’t reach this threshold have picked up pretty little at school.
Mr Phillips’s suggestion that black boys should be taught separately implies that ethnicity and gender explain their underachievement. Certainly, maleness seems to be a disadvantage at school. That’s true for all ethnic groups: 57% of girls as a whole get five A-Cs, compared with 47% of boys. But it’s not so clear that blackness is at the root of the problem.
Among children as a whole, Afro-Caribbeans do indeed perform badly. But Afro-Caribbeans tend to be poor. So to get a better idea of whether race, rather than poverty, is the problem, one must control for economic status. The only way to do that, given the limits of British educational statistics, is to separate out the exam results of children who get free school meals: only the poor get free grub.
Poor children’s results tell a rather different story. Afro-Caribbeans still do remarkably badly, but whites are at the bottom of the pile. All ethnic minority groups do better than them. Even Bangladeshis, a pretty deprived lot, do twice as well as the natives in their exams; Indians and Chinese do better still. And absolute numbers of underperforming whites dwarf those of underperforming Afro-Caribbeans: last year, 131,393 of white boys failed to hit the government’s benchmark, compared with 3,151 Afro-Caribbean boys.
These figures suggest that, at school at least, black people’s problem is not so much race as poverty. And they undermine the idea of teaching black boys separately, for if poor whites are doing worse than poor blacks, there’s not much argument for singling out blacks for special measures: whites need help just as badly.
It’s a nice thought
This isn’t, however, a message that anybody much wants to hear. Many white people find the idea that there’s something fundamentally wrong with black people comforting: it confirms deeply held prejudices and reassures them that a whole complex of social problems—starting with underachievement in schools, but leading on to unemployment, drug addiction and crime—is nothing to do with them.
The race-relations industry also has an interest in explaining educational underachievement in terms of ethnicity. A whole raft of committees, commissions and task forces has been set up on the assumption that racial differences are a fundamental cause of social problems. If that’s wrong, then all those worthies might as well pack up and go home.
Trying to explain educational underachievement away as a racial issue may be comforting and convenient, but it is also dangerous, for it distracts attention from the real problem—that the school system fails the poor. That’s not a black problem or a white problem: it’s a British problem.
19、提到种族和教育问题,白人们都会有些紧张,不过如果是一个黑人提起这个话题,白人们就会滔滔不绝。英国种族平等委员会主席 Trevor Phillips 一提到黑人男孩子在学校表现的特殊问题、并认为将他们和其他学生分开教育兴许是个好主意时,就有一连串的意见和建议。其中有的赞成,有的持批评态度,不过没人质疑问题的起因。个个都承认黑人男孩子是个问题。
从表面来看, Mr Phillips 好像是对的。仅有27% 的非洲–加勒比裔男孩在16 岁孩子参加的 GCSE 考试中得了A到C的成绩,相比之下,男孩整体上是47% ,而非洲 – 加勒比裔女孩则是44% 。由于在某些科目中,得分低于50%的人会得C,学校里达不到这一程度的学生就更是微乎其微了。
Mr Phillips 建议黑人男孩应当单独接受教育意味着种族和性别决定了他们智商低。当然,男生在学校里确实是处在下峰,所有种族都是如此:全部女孩中有57%得到了5个A到C的分数,而男孩则只有47% 。然而问题的根源是否在于黑人孩子,就不是很清楚了。
穷人孩子的成绩说明了一个更加不同一般的问题。非洲 – 加勒比裔孩子仍然非常糟糕,不过白人却排在最后,所有少数族裔都比白人表现好。即使是相当缺衣少食的孟加拉裔,在考试中也比本土白人好两倍;印度裔和华裔就更好了。而且表现不佳的白人的绝对数字也远远超过非洲–加勒比裔:去年, 131,393 个白人男孩子没能达到政府规定的标准,非洲–加勒比裔则只有 3,151 个。
试图将教育成果不佳推卸为种族问题可能是既令人欣慰又让人感到便捷,不过也同样很危险,因为这将人们的视线从真正的问题转移开来 — 学校系统放弃了穷人。那就既不是黑人的问题、也不是白人的问题:而是一个英国的问题。
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